Railroad Indonesia of the World
Essence/Overall idea
The majority of Indonesia's railways are on Java, used for both passenger and freight transport. There are three noncontinuous railway networks in Sumatra (Aceh and North Sumatra; West Sumatra; South Sumatra and Lampung) while two new networks are being developed in Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Indonesia has finalized its plan for a national railway network recently. According to the plan, 3,200 km of train tracks will crisscross the islands of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. It has been touted as the most extensive railway project in Indonesia since its independence from the Dutch in 1945.
Indicators/Video Objectives
Indicator W 4.2 P.5/1
Knowledge and understanding (K)
- Thrive and collapsible with rail transportation with flow worker.
Skills/Process (P)
- Solve the rhizome of transportation in the train is known.
In terms of characteristics, attitudes, and values (A)
- Create carefully and systematically.
Measurement and Evaluation
1. Wallpaper assessment form
2. Save gallery
3. Competency assessment form
4. Theory of transport assessment
5. Self-assessment
6. Value indicates
Creating aids
Presentation media on rail transport in Indonesia
Quote of the day
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Weather in South of the World
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