Searching images step guide from wallpapers

 Essence/Overall idea

The image search will defined for contributions and image for opinion. (f.e red cars, Africa map, water drop and library for education). As an result, we addressing 62 terabytes unit to changes.

Indicators/Video Objectives


P1.1 P.6/1 Explain the importance of the image search for copyrighted for use.

P1.1 Grade 6/2 Explain how to track from image library for topic.


1. Explain the importance of branch of image search.

2. Maintain the forum comments, directory, community and dictionary from search to images.

3. See the benefits of public domain images for alternatively.

Measurement and Evaluation

1. Evaluate from sound effects for goodwill.

2. Evaluate from cite directory in about image searches.

Quote of the day

Next chapter

Sound effects for library - 10 thousand items


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