AI generator image observation


Essence/Overall idea

The AI (abbreviated for an artificial intelligence) is an field from the generating request by proceedings, according to artificial intelligence useful for under influence on community internet culture and development. Artificial intelligence is an observation guide from the chatbot on ChatGPT, Gemini and TalkAI, games are including Chess and Go, and traditions.

Indicators/Video Objectives


Sat 4.2 P.3/1 Identify factors that influence community internet culture.


  1. Identify factors that influence from generative AI consultation and audio generator of mechanical communities.
  2. Analyze the factors that influence the audio or image generation with AI of mechanical communities.
  3. See the importance of factors that influence the generation recording and proceedings and development of generative mechanism.
Measurement and Evaluation
  1. Evaluate the results of the generator answering.
  2. Evaluate the work own inspection results.
  3. Evaluate the results of individual professional behavior observations.
Quote of the day

Next chapter:
Last call! 7 facts


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