Ford Transcontinenta of the World


Essence/Overall idea

          The Ford trucks is an trucking, lorry and transportation (in which cases of Ford trucking). It is widely for outside new cars to entrance with left and right so that they will become width of lengthy and be able to spin-offs Ford trucks effectively.

Indicators/Video Objectives


Sat 2.1 P.3/3 Summarize the benefits and practice according to trucks and lorries.


  1. Explain and give examples of Ford Transcontinenta [sic]
  2. Analyze the way of behaving according to American trucks redesigned and willing state of supplies, itself for an effectively and the co-ops and separately.
  3. Recognize the value of transportation and war automobile in the trucks.
Measurement and Evaluation
  1. Evaluate the results of the trucks and lorry.
  2. Evaluate the work sheets inspection results.
  3. Evaluate the results of individual some prepared observations.
Quote of the day

Next chapter:
Fire Equipment/Apparatus of the World


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