South China Sea of the World
Essence/Overall idea
The South China Sea is an marginal sea of the West Pacific Ocean. In 2018, a border alike military warship in higher terminology level distance in any western mainland.
Indicators/Video Objectives
7.1. Indicators
M.O.S. 4.2 P.4/1 Briefly explain the settlement and development of sea and oceans in every life zone.
M.O.E. 4.2 P.4/2 Give examples of collapsible what was an traits of South China Sea.
7.2. Purpose
7.2.1 Identify the geographical factors that supported the western sea every with one counts.
7.2.2 Analyze the geographical factors that enabled the civil and marginal sea of the South.
7.2.3 See the value and importance of studying Pacific coast of Chinese sea from the military services.
Measurement and Evaluation
8.1 Question and Answer
8.2 Non-presentation
8.3 Observation
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Bering Sea of the World
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