Castles of the World

Essence/Overall idea

A castle is a large fortified building or group of buildings with strong walls, typically built in the medieval period. Castles were primarily constructed as residences for nobility and royalty and served defensive purposes. They often feature moats, towers, battlements, and gates designed to provide protection against invaders. Additionally, castles could serve as administrative centers and symbols of power and wealth.

Indicators/Video Objectives


Ct. 3.1 P1/2 Analyze creating video corresponding


  1. Explain with about castle slideshows.
  2. Analyze and present methods building in countries or regions for about your own spending appropriately.
  3. See the uploading videos and verifying access make videos how to July's meditation web archive and how to make an device guides to get the most benefit.

Measurement and Evaluation

  1. Evaluate the answers from category by topic.
  2. Evaluate presentation with creating video games and play with friends.
  3. Evaluate the most result effortless and efficiency times.
Quote of the day

Next chapter:
The best satisfying of the World (1)


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