Panthera of the World


Essence/Overall idea

Panthera is a genus within the family Felidae, and one of two extant genera in the subfamily Pantherinae. It contains the largest living members of the cat family. There are five living species: the jaguar, leopard, lion, snow leopard and tiger, as well as a number of extinct species.

Indicators/Video Objectives

Standard S 3.2 P.3/2 tells the importance of black tiger and animal of big cats.


1. Explain the meaning and importance of Panthera.

2. Classify the types of mammal, stimulative humans present the benefits of genus of big cats and wild cats.

3. See the importance of debugged tiger movements are black cats components.

Measurement and Evaluation

1. Evaluate the results of the animal surveys.

2. Evaluate the video inspection results.

3. Evaluate the results of mammal and stimulus big cats with observations.

Creating aids

Presentation media on the Panthera of the countries

Quote of the day

Next chapter:

Railroad Indonesia of the World


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