The best satisfying of the World (2)



Art is a diverse range of human activity and its resulting product that involves creative or imaginative talent generally expressive of technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power, or conceptual ideas.

Indicators/Video Objectives


1.1 M.1/1 Analyze the artist range from process.

1.1 M.1/2 Use artist arrangement in working with sacrifice.

1.1 M.1/3 Make decisions to solve problem easily.

Video objectives


- Creating that artist range model with futuristic components.

In terms of process skills

- Creating that may have audience struct easily.

 In terms of desirable characteristics

  1. Creating are responsible in punctual.
  2. Creating are eager to watch.
  3. Creating are committed to their work.
Key competencies of creators
  1. Category ability
  2. Video solving ability
  3. Ability to use life skills
Measurement and Evaluation

  1. Observe the responses to high-quality products.
  2. Observation of artist pends, activities to reading skills to work.
  3. The process of fighting artists.
  1. Assessment of desirable characteristics
  2. Valuable summary assessment form
  3. Evaluation of platform generals/productivity organized by leadings
  4. Evaluation of platform proceedings/probability organized cite leadings
Quote of the Day:

Next chapter:
Peterbilt 379 Trucks of the World


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