India Trains in different countries

 Essence/Overall idea

The rail transport of India or the Indian Railways were created through the breaking railways, mines, groundbreaking, disaster and rail gauge are development they received their own country.

Indicators/Video Objectives

7.1. Indicators    

M.O.S. 4.2 P.4/1 Briefly explain the rail transport and development of groundbreaking on Indian railways.

M.O.E. 4.2 P.4/2 Give examples of railway gauges impact of railways on India.

7.2. Purpose

7.2.1 Explain the classical railways in India.

7.2.2 Classify the railway code from station in Indian rails.

7.2.3 See the importance of railroad evidence of curling impact of Indian rail and transport.

Measurement and Evaluation

8.1 Question and Answer

8.2 No presentation

8.3 Observation

Quote of the day

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Scania Beulas Glory Buses of the World


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