‼️LAST CALL (7 facts)


Essence/Overall idea

The last video is begin, the video will be last media begin, citing not enough space to install.

This media will be last video due to not enough space to episode, try to new channel in this features on the adding to channel them.

Indicators/Video Objectives

Indicator M.O.P. 4.3 P. 5/1 Briefly explain the quit video.

    Grade 5/2 explains the factors that promoted the last video.

Grade 5/3 tells the last video is beginning the new channel.


1. Tell the new channel to rebuild brand channel.

2. Develop group work skills and be able to follow the last video.

3. Be aware of the not enough space, some may not functions to (RAM) device storage.

Measurement and Evaluation

1. Questions and Answers

2. Observation

3. Rebuild part of the channel

Quote of the day

Preceded by

All Ringtones

Live Wallpaper

Device Guides

Succeeded by

All Ringtones 2 (Beta)

A-Devlop Guides

Game ZA4k!

Today part of

All Ringtones 2 (Beta)


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